Glauco Vilas Boas

Glauco Vilas Boas


Glauco Vilas Boas (Jandaia do Sul, Paraná, 1957 – Osasco, São Paulo, 2010). Cartoonist ,caricaturist and comic artist. Self-taught, he began drawing in his teens, making caricatures of his teachers and classmates. In the early 1970s, he moved to Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, with the aim of studying engineering. He meets the journalist José Hamilton Ribeiro (1935) – director of the newspaper “Diário da Manhã” –, who published his first work in 1976. He came into contact with the work of cartoonists Henfil (1944 -1988) and Ziraldo ( 1932). The following year, he receives an award at the Piracicaba International Humor Exhibition and begins to publish his strips in the “Lugar” and “Folhetim” supplements of the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper. In 1981, he independently edited the book “Minorias do Glauco”, in which the characters Geraldão and Doña Marta appear. From 1987 to 1994, he published a selection of cartoons “Abobrinhas da Brasilônia” (1985) and the magazines “Geraldão”, “Geraldão Segunda Dentição” and “Geraldão 90 cm”, edited by Circo, Vicente Tarente and Zé do Apocalipsis. During the same period, he collaborated in the magazine "Chiclete com Banana" together with cartoonists Angeli (1956), then editor, and Laerte (1951). With them he created the series “Los Três Amigos”, presented in the same publication and later compiled in two volumes in the early 1990s. In the same decade, he participated in the conception and script of the programs “TV Pirata” and “TV Colosso” on Rede Globo. The collaboration lasted until 1997. In 2000, he created the characters “Ficadinha” and “Netão” for the UOL Humor radio station. Through “Devir”, he publishes the compilations “Política Zero” – “A Crise nas Charges da Folha de S.Paulo” (2005) and “Seis Mãos Bobas” (2006).
