Pancho Cajas

Pancho Cajas


He is an architect by training and a caricaturist by vocation. He is a purebred Ecuadorian, according to his friends. He publishes his opinion caricatures on the editorial page, political section and humor page "Infinite Justice" of the Ecuadorian newspaper El Comercio, and the characters in the "Homo Sapiens" segment published by the same newspaper every Sunday. He has also published in the newspaper “Últimas Noticias”, weekly “Lideres”, magazine “Vistazo” and “Diners”, internationally in the magazine “Courrier International de Paris”, “Le Monde”, “Boston Globe”, “El Universal of Mexico”, among others. He is currently also the illustrated editor of the newspaper El Comercio in his native country. He is a member of the Latin Cartoon Club Cartonclub. He has won 3 national awards and 5 international awards (Two at The Society for News Design in Boston and Las Vegas, two at the Inter-American Press Society and one at the Second International Press Conference in Rouen, France). He has also published 7 cartoon books.
