Mahmood Azadnia

Mahmood Azadnia


He was born in 1985 in Mashhad. She began painting in 2000 under the supervision of his father. She has collaborated with the newspapers “Shahrara”, “Yam Yam” and “Jabar Caricature”, she also makes monthly Iranian cartoons and is art director of the new series of the magazine "Tak" Individual expositions • Individual exhibition in Sweden, Caricature - 2013 • Solo exhibition in Iran (Mashhad/Artin Gallery) Painting - 2013 • Solo exhibition in Iran (Mashhad/Eshragh Gallery) Caricature - 2012 • Individual exhibition in Malaysia Caricature - 2011 • Individual exhibition in Pakistan Caricature - 2010 • Individual exhibition in Pakistan Painting - 2010 Group exhibitions She organized more than 40 group exhibitions in Iran, Portugal, France, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Malaysia, Pakistan, Spain, China, Belgium and Italy in caricature, painting and illustration. Awards and honours • Finalist in the Scenography of the International Academic Theater Festival of Iran - 2012 • AYACC China Cartoon Festival - 2012 • AYACC China Cartoon Festival - 2011 • National Cartoon Festival - 2010 • National Cartoon Festival “Disability and Disability” - 2009 • The First National Festival of "Caricature Art in the Mirror" - 2009 • Fadjr International Visual Arts Cartoon Competition - 2008
