Fernando Vicente

Fernando Vicente


He is a self-taught artist. His first works as an illustrator appeared in the first half of the eighties, in the heart of Madrid, in the magazines “Madriz” where he would publish continuously both in illustration and in comics and “La luna de Madrid”. After this first stage, for almost a decade he left the side of illustration as his main professional activity, to move to the advertising sector where he would be art director in various agencies. Returning to the world of illustration, from 1999 to the present he regularly publishes in the newspaper “El País” and its various supplements, with his collaborations in the cultural newspaper “Babelia” being of special importance. In addition to his work for newspapers and magazines, he has made book and album covers, as well as illustrations for more than twenty books, both aimed at children and young people as well as adults. In 1984 he exhibited his works for the first time at the Moriarty Gallery and at the León Comic Festival. Since then he has participated in numerous exhibitions, both group and individual, especially the Universos retrospective in 2011. He has won three awards of excellence from the Society for News Design. His art has also been published in magazines such as “Europa Viva”, “Ronda Iberia”, “Lapiz”, “Rock of Lux”, “Gentleman”, “Letras Livre”, “Interviu”, “Cosmopolitan” and “DT ”. The technique used is the same for both illustration and painting, acrylic, only changing the support, paper in the first case and the canvas in the second. The use of the computer is limited, when necessary, only to the final finish: typography, application of background colors or collages.
