Seyran Cafarli

Seyran Cafarli


Seyran Cafarli or also known as Nasirov is an Azerbaijani caricaturist who has worthily represented Azerbaijan in the international arena for almost twenty years. Over the years, he has won more than 140 awards in international cartoon competitions. His works were awarded with gold, silver and bronze medals, as well as special diplomas. Two of his works have been included in the permanent exhibition in museums in Italy and Austria. Two other cartoons by the author have been selected for his permanent exhibition at the “Mercedes Benz” headquarters. One of his works was presented at the International Biennial of Humor and Satire in Art and is currently in a museum in Tolentino, Italy. He has had individual exhibitions in Slovakia (2019), France (2012), Iran (2003) and Turkey (2011). Over the years of productive creative activity, the author's cartoons have been published in numerous albums (more than 1000 catalogs) and have been presented at international exhibitions and competitions. Almost every cartoon created by this great artist received at least one honorable mention in an international contest. In addition, Cafarli has repeatedly been a member of the jury of more than 45 international competitions and exhibitions held in various countries of the world. Since 2002, Seyran is a member of the group of cartoonists of the international electronic magazine "Witty World", published in the United States, as well as the editor of this publication. Cafarli is a board member of the Federation of International Animated Websites (FICWS), Vice President of the International Federation for Animation and Animation (FICA) and a member of the International Cartoon Committee. Likewise, he is the head of the Azerbaijan representation in the World Union of Cartoonists and is also a member of the board of directors of this organization, whose main office is in Turkey. Since 2007, he is a member of the group of the International Federation of Azerbaijan Cartoonists' Organizations (FECO) and a member of the board of directors of the Association of Cartoonists of his country. Since 2008 he is the creator of the satirical magazine "Humor".
