Abbas Godarzi

Abbas Godarzi


He was born in 1978 in the city of Borujerd. He started his art activities in the year 1993 at “Khaje Nasir Tousi Borujerd Artistic” Center in Graphic and started creating cartoons since 1999 at “Cartoon House” in Kerman. He graduated in the area of Painting and Visual Arts from “Kerman Shahid Bahonar” University of Art in 2003. Also, he organized many exhibitions in Borujerd, Kerman, Kish, Tehran among others. He taught drawing and cartooning at Kerman “Guidance Office” in 2000 and at “Kerman Shahid Bahonar University” in 2001. He was also a professor at “Kerman Art University” in 2002 and shared lessons ´ art practices in Free Artistic Centers of Borujerd in 2005. In addition, he collaborated artistically with the newspapers "Kerman" and "Borujerd" in 2003 and 2004 respectively. He worked as an art expert of “Shahid Beheshti Cultural University” in 2007, he was art director of “Toranj” cultural magazine in 2007, he also cooperated in cartooning and illustration area with “Yame Yam”, “Yavan” newspapers. , “Fars News Agency” and “Nasim Online” from 2007 to 2011. And he was art director of “Farashahr” publication, Tehran Municipality in 2008 and dráfica designer of the Cultural Department of the Ministry of Science in 2008. He has written several books, among them: “Taljand” (Bitter Laughter) - Collection of political cartoons of “Subject Seduction” from Emad publishing house – 2010, “Mantegholteir” - Collection of political cartoons of anti-semantic subject - and illustrated six children's books with educational issues of Yame Yam magazine in 2012. Awards • First place in the Youth Cartoon Contest - Kerman Province - 2001. • First place in the First Student Art and Culture Contest of Southeast Iran - 2002. • First place in the National Contest of "Value Web Loggers" - 2010. • First place in the Ammar National Contest in the Cartoon Section - 2011. • First place in the Basirat National Contest as the most active Political Caricaturist- 2011. • Winner of the best prize in the Artistic Contest of "Presence before the sanction" - 2011.
