Laura Varsky

Laura Varsky


Laura Varsky lives and works in Buenos Aires. She graduated in graphic design in 1999 and is currently teaching typography. Since 1996, she has been working independently. Her first step was in the underground independent music scene, and over time he specialized in designing albums and printed products, which encouraged her to establish a working connection between graphic design and the world of music. In 2003, she gained experience in the field of illustration. In 2004, she participated in the illustrations of the books Verdesolar (Victoria Viajera), Peleonas, metirosasy haraganas published by Ediciones del Eclipse. In 2006, she received the Latin Grammy Award for the artistic management of the Café de los measters album. She is one of the greatest admirers of pioneering and creative work in the 20th century and was inspired by the work of artists such as Beardsley, Mucha, Klimt, Josef Hoffmann, Margaret & Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Hundertwasser. Varsky confirms that she particularly enjoys projects for children, as they create more room for fun and don't necessarily require a strict, logical relationship between image and text.
