Wieslaw Walkuski

Wieslaw Walkuski


Wiesław Wałkuski was born in 1956 in Białystok, Poland. Currently, he lives and works in Warsaw. He began his education in graphic design at the Warsaw Academy of Art, which he attended for five years, during the period 1976-1981. He studied with several design teachers, including Maciej Urbaniec, who taught poster design, and Teresa Pągowska, who taught painting. Upon completion of his studies, he was hired by Polfilm and Film Polski to produce artwork and cover designs. During this period he also worked with visual studio editors and numerous theater groups producing artwork for productions. In 1987 he began his career as a freelance graphic designer. Today, Wiesław Wałkuski has more than 200 posters and continues his work as a graphic designer, illustrator and painter. His works are featured in major Polish and international poster exhibitions, including some at The Weidman Gallery in West Hollywood. Awards and honours • Third place in the National Solidarity Ideas Competition - Warsaw, Poland - 1981 • Second place at the International Film Festival - Chicago, United States - 1983 • First place at the International Film Festival - Chicago, United States - 1986 • First place at the Hollywood Reporter Key Art Awards - Los Angeles, United States - 1988 • Second place at the International Film Festival - Chicago, United States - 1988 • Second place at the Hollywood Reporter Key Art Awards - Los Angeles, United States - 1990 • Second place in the International Poster Biennial - Mexico City, Mexico - 1990 • Second place in the Art Directors Club International Exhibition, New York, United States - 1992 • Magic Lantern Award - 1992 • Third place in the International Biennial of Theater Posters – Rzeszow, Poland - 1993 • Prize of the Association of Polish Artists, Polish Poster Biennial – Katowice, Poland - 1995 • Third place in the International Poster Festival – Chaumont, France - 1996 • Second place in the Grand Prize, Polish Poster Biennial – Katowice, Poland - 1997 • Third place in the 3rd International Theater Poster Competition – Osnabrück, Germany - 1997 • First place in the National Pontifical Competition 20th Anniversary of Pope John Paul II (by invitation) - Warsaw – Poland - 1998
