Osmani Simanca

Osmani Simanca


Osmani Simanca is a Cuban cartoonist with Brazilian naturalization. He has an academic background in the arts and has won several national and international awards. He is currently the cartoonist of the newspaper “A Tarde”, in Bahia. With drawings published in magazines and newspapers from the four corners of the planet, he is in charge of Simanca, which is shared on social networks by netizens who identify with his defense of the Secular State and democracy, fighting authoritarianism. In this direction, Simanca is tireless, creative, managing to be virulent and fun at the same time. Tuned in to the events that revolve around power, his cartoons are tools to dismantle official, moralistic or inquisitive discourses. His stroke is unique, he makes little use of dark areas, using small parallel lines to give volume or texture.
