He was born in Ciudad Real in 1954, although he lives in Murcia. Manuel Arriaga constantly participates in graphic humor contests, and his works are in permanent exhibitions at the Museum of Graphic Humor of Fene (A Coruña), Museum of Graphic Humor of El Toboso (Toledo); Quevedo Graphic Humor Museum, in Villanueva de los Infantes (C. Real), and "Fernando García Garreta" Graphic Humor Museum in Beas de Segura (Jaén). Manuel has another job. He recognizes that experiencing graphic humor is very difficult, and in his free time he faces a blank page every day to, with his capacity for invention and taking reality as a reference, address any aspect of life. He explains: "Normally, I use a fountain pen to draw, watercolor and pencils... I am very artisanal, although sometimes I finish the (online) drawing with a computer touch." In 2018 and 2019, this Spanish artist won several awards, such as the Grand Prize of the XX International Anti-War Cartoon Competition in Serbia, First place in the International Animal Cartoon Competition in Belgrade and second place in the Coruxa Awards organized by the Fene Humor Museum in the province of A Coruña, among others. He has published his cartoons in magazines of all kinds: hunting, security, women, horse riding: Jara y Sedal, Clara, Trofeo Caballo, Caza y Safaris and others. He published his drawings, years ago, in the regional press of Murcia. He has also collaborated in the illustration of some books, the latest "Know and protect the environment", published by the Ministry of the Interior.