Lars Vegas

Lars Vegas


He graduated from the Kolding School of Design in 1996. He has been working as a freelance illustrator since 1996. In 2000 he studied in the area of design with an emphasis on journalistic illustration, based on alternate sections at Berlingske Tidende. In 2006 he also worked with magazines, trade journals and other illustrations. From 2006 onwards, he dedicated himself to illustrating even newspapers and the book section of "Weekendavisen" and has made illustrations and covers of 20 books for various publishers such as Food and Culture Magazine (Agriculture and Food), Psychology Magazine, Magazines of Investors and Business Stock Exchange, Think (Consumer Council), Matters and Labor (FOA), Children and Youth (BUPL), Cooperative, Ergotherapist, Berlingske Tidende, Borsens Nyhetsagasin, Money and Private Economy, HK-Delta, HK- Replik, PTU News and Danish Police. He has worked as a teacher at the Danish School of Design on several occasions, in 2012 he served as a teacher, supervisor and director at the Kolding School of Design.
