Jean Marc Borot

Jean Marc Borot


“I was born in 1971, I live and work in Clermont Ferrand, Puy de Dôme, France. I am a cartoonist and illustrator. Drawing from a very young age, I studied Fine Arts at Clermont Ferrand until graduating in 1995. I started in this world in 1990, and since then I have carried out many (very many) services of this type for both companies and individuals. I've also done dozens of celebrity caricatures, first for pleasure, then to get noticed, and finally since my first real post in 2011 for illustrations. After some professional experiences in infographics, graphic design and web design, I returned to what really motivates me, drawing and therefore caricature. I am established as an independent artist affiliated with the “Maison des Artistes” since 2005”.
