Jack Usephot

Jack Usephot


I started my career as a Graphic Designer, I’ve worked in some advertising agencies in the countryside of São Paulo, and parallel to this, I started my studies in image manipulation. With determination and over 3 years of studies, my work took shape being highlighted in the international scenery. Today, I work as a full-time Digital Artist, and content creator. I’m specialized in images for advertising, serving customers of several countries. Among the most known are Adobe, Fox TV Channel, Red Bull, LUMA Pictures VFX Studio, and the American capital newspaper, The Washington Post. And when it comes to teaching, Jack has a curriculum that speaks for itself. In addition to numerous career achievements as an independent digital artist, Jack has taught workshops from north to south of Brazil, of which we can highlight Porto Alegre, Santa Catarina, Sao paulo, Belo horizonte and some northeastern cities like Maceió, Recife e Fortaleza. The artist was also a lecturer at the largest Photoshop and Digital Art events in Brazil, first at Photoshop Conference and in 2018 at unhide Conference. The first Brazilian to have a featured work on the Adobe Photoshop home screen. The composition called 'Impossible Sea' became known worldwide after becoming featured on the home screen of the world's most famous software. After this exhibition, my already recognized work gained even more respect and audience, a feat that marked the history of the software, as well as the many professionals who use the program in their daily lives.
