Difference between modern and contemporary art

Difference between modern and contemporary art

Despite being very similar, modern and contemporary art have peculiarities that separate them on a fine line. Born after an artistic moment where realism and romanticism reigned in works, modern art aimed to portray everyday habits in a more simplistic way, always seeking to reinvent art.

How did modern art emerge?
In general terms, modern art refers to artistic production between the end of the 19th century and the 20th century. The modernists emerged after a sober period in art and introduced Impressionism, which dedicated its works to everyday life.

However, Impressionism was just one of the avant-garde that was born in modernism. Among the most famous avant-gardes we can mention Dadaism, Surrealism and Cubism. Artists at that time believed that art should be reinvented, creating new forms and visions for their artwork. They also believed they were ahead of their time and felt obliged to bring innovative works to the world of art.

With the emergence of modern art, photography and cinema began to be considered as forms of artistic expression, something that had never been done before.

The modernist artist felt responsible for creating and representing the essence of humanity in a unique way. The advent of new technologies, wars and revolutions, gave artists the tools to explore the new things in the world.

A characteristic of modern artists was the development of creative techniques. Always seeking to create new ways of thinking and seeing events in the world.

Getting to know contemporary art
When searching for contemporary art, you will often come across related terms such as postmodern art or post-war art. In reality, contemporary art is called that way because it happened at the end of modernism and went through the Second World War period.

The feelings at that time were of reconstruction and social recovery. The artists intended to bring reflection to their viewers with subjective works.

When observing contemporary art, one can notice the mixture of artistic styles, the use of different materials to produce the works and the approximation of popular culture. Contemporary works had the desire to explore inventions and carry out artistic experiments.

A very strong characteristic of contemporary works are innovative artistic techniques. Just moving away from painting and sculpture as we know it and using ready-made materials. Contemporary works focus attention on criticizing everyday life, such as consumerism, for example.

In paintings, contemporary artists did not just use oil on canvas to express their feelings. A contemporary work could be made with any material that demonstrates innovation for the work.

In more objective terms, contemporary art is characterized by man's restlessness and his search for the new, original and unique. The concept of the work became the main focus of these artists, regardless of whether or not they knew how to draw or use techniques. The essential thing for contemporary artists is to bring a reflection with their work of art.

Difference between modern and contemporary art
Despite being similar and often confusing. Modern and contemporary art have technical differences. Both in the way the works are created, with unusual objects, even in the social criticism that was intended to be conveyed at that time.

In a simplified way, modern art still presents a concern with technique, lines and shapes, even if subjectively. While contemporary art has the characteristic that absolutely everything can become art.

Particularly, I find modern art more intriguing, making me travel in thought trying to understand the message of the work, its meaning for both the author and myself. And do you prefer modern art or contemporary art?