What is artificial intelligence?

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is technology that enables computers to simulate human intelligence and human problem-solving capabilities.

On its own or combined with other technologies (e.g., sensors, geolocation, robotics), AI can perform tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence or intervention. Digital assistants, GPS guidance, autonomous vehicles, and generative AI tools (such as Open AI's GPT Chat) are just a few examples of AI in the daily news and in our everyday lives.

As a field of computer science, AI encompasses (and is often mentioned alongside) machine learning and deep learning. These disciplines involve the development of AI algorithms, modeled after the decision-making processes of the human brain, that can "learn" from available data and make increasingly accurate classifications or predictions over time.

Artificial intelligence has gone through many hype cycles, but even for skeptics, the launch of ChatGPT seems to mark a turning point. The last time generative AI was this big, the breakthroughs were in computer vision, but the leap forward is in natural language processing (NLP). Today, generative AI can learn and synthesize not only human language but also other types of data, such as images, videos, software code, and even molecular structures.

Applications for AI are growing every day. But as the buzz around the use of AI tools in business skyrockets, conversations about AI ethics and responsible AI become vitally important. To learn more about where IBM stands on these issues, read Building Trust in AI.