How important is it to study art at school?

How important is it to study art at school?

Institutions, especially early childhood education institutions, have already realized that studying art is fundamental to developing various skills and competencies that are important for a child's healthy, intellectual and physical growth.

Furthermore, which child doesn't like to find a way to express their feelings, their doubts, their joys, satisfactions and even challenges? Despite apparently being a simple work, art goes beyond any expectations, it works with cognitive, emotional and even motor issues of our young students.

Given all this information, it is necessary to develop this subject in more detail. For this reason, in the content below, we will present you with the main information regarding artistic education for children! Good reading!

How important is it to study art at school?

As we stated, the study of the arts helps in the development of various skills and competencies that will be taken from childhood to the individual's life. This is because the arts have the ability to work with the representation of reality, in a very subjective and individual way.

When a student has a targeted arts subject, they will have the opportunity to see it as an additional field in which to exercise their communication, in which they will have the freedom to express:

     your aspirations;
     your desires and fears;
     your dreams;
     your goals;
     details of your daily life from your point of view.

Art is a curricular proposal that involves the child and shows them the freedom to carry out reflections based on the way we see reality, that is, this will be a personal space, of reinterpretation, of understanding, access to knowledge of oneself and the environment. world in diverse contexts, cultures and expressions.

Another important factor in studying art at school is the strengthening of critical thinking in the student, after all, this subject will be a way to begin a critical look at individual and collective reality. Thus, there will be joint work on the development of critical thinking, the raising of greater questions along with the knowledge of doing, that is, of practice.

Therefore, art for children is movement, reflection, self-knowledge and expression in a world that is increasingly becoming digital, less tactile, more immediate and based on likes and comments on social media.