Art is present in our daily lives

Art is present in our daily lives

The simple fact that we wake up every morning puts us in direct contact with art. There is art in the bed we sleep in, in the pajamas we wear, in the tube of toothpaste, in the toothbrush itself. There is art in the clothes we choose to wear, in the cup we use to drink coffee and even in the bread we eat.
When we watch television we come across various artistic languages: advertising, soap operas, films, etc. When we turn on the radio we also have contact with artistic languages, such as music, for example. And speaking of music, who has never found themselves humming or whistling a song? Who has never found themselves dancing to any rhythm? Who has never been moved by hearing a beautiful song?

We come across art on the streets, every day, in the architecture of buildings, squares and gardens. On billboards, in newspaper pages, in books and magazines. Everywhere we look, if we look closely enough, we see art.
If art is everywhere, if it is a way for man to express himself and if we have contact with art all the time, then art is much closer to us than we imagine. Therefore, art is not a privilege for artists, but an instrument available to everyone who wants to use it to express themselves.
Painting, drawing, sculpture, music, theater, dance, cinema, photography, literature, crafts, fashion, cooking, advertising, etc, etc and etc... They are all the artistic languages available to man, created by man himself and for benefit of man himself.
And as the saying goes: “If God gave us bread as food for the body, he gave us art as food for the soul”.