The art of painting is as old as man. Proof of this are the cave paintings (some are more than 40,000 years old) that we can admire in places like Altamira. In principle the paintings were made for religious reasons or to represent everyday scenes, but there was no artistic intention. In this post we will do a brief review of the concept of painting and explain the types of art painting paintings.

painting concept

The term painting comes from the Latin “pigmenta”, which translates to dye or pigment. Beyond that, the concept of painting can refer to several things:

Painting is the art that uses pigments to make graphic representations. The result of these representations is also called paintings.
Paint is the fluid that is applied in thin layers on a surface and, when dry, becomes a film that covers it. Apart from pigments, which give the color, paint contains other components such as solvents and binders.
Types of art painting

The types of artistic paintings can be classified based on things like the style and the materials used. But when people think of types of art painting, they usually refer to artistic styles or currents. There have been many throughout history and each of them has had its moment of glory. The main painting styles are the following:


Realism seeks to represent life in the most faithful way. For this, realist painters skillfully use paint, color and tone. Many people consider this painting as “true art.”


Hyperrealism is a step beyond realism. The aim is for reality to be more faithful than photography. Hyperrealistic painting is usually done from a photograph.


Surrealism paintings are often illogical and have a dreamlike quality, emphasizing the subconscious. Without a doubt Salvador Dalí is the most famous surrealist painter in history.


Impressionism focuses more on shapes than details. That is why he shows his preferences for landscape paintings (in fact the impressionists prefer to paint outdoors) and give special importance to light.

As a reaction to impressionism, expressionism was born. It is called expressionism because it seeks to reflect the expression of feelings and emotions more than reality.

Abstract art

Abstract art refers to a style of painting that does not use figurative reality as a reference. Colors and shapes are used to portray the emotions and landscape of a person's inner world.

Pop Art

Pop art revolves around US popular culture: comics, celebrities, advertising. Surely you have all seen the famous painting of Marilyn Monroe painted by Andy Warhol.