Book lists 35 important art institutions in Latin America

Book lists 35 important art institutions in Latin America

For some years now, João Paulo Siqueira Lopes and Fernando Ticoulat, partners at Editora Act, have been visiting artists' studios, institutions, art fairs, residences and other spaces in Latin America with the aim of creating an artistic cartography of the continent. This research, which continued at a distance amid the pandemic, resulted in the books "Workspaces by Latin American Artists", in 2020, and "20 in 2020: The Artists of the Next Decade – Latin America", in 2021. A recent bet by the aforementioned publishing house is "Where Art Lives in Latin America", which consists of a comprehensive documentation of 35 important artistic spaces in the region. "I understand our mission as that of placing Latin American art at the center of contemporary debate, overcoming the lack of structure that often prevails on the continent", explains João Paulo Siqueira Lopes. "In this specific publication, in which we decided to focus on the habitat of art, the most interesting thing was to notice the different arrangements that exist between the artist, the works and the public to which it is addressed".

The publication, he points out, seeks to show how the modern paradigm of a museum as a secular cathedral, which only houses and exhibits art objects, no longer works. "And how these spaces, from the most transitory and radical to the institutionalized ones, needed to keep up with the artists' innovations and their increasingly heterogeneous proposals". In the selection are Brazilian spaces such as Aarea, MAM Rio, LABVERDE, Pivô and Pinacoteca de São Paulo, as well as foreign institutions, such as Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y Memoria (Colombia), Malba (Argentina), Museo Tamayo (Mexico) and NuMu (Guatemala).