Importance of art in beautifying life

Importance of art in beautifying life

Trying to assign a function to art can be a dangerous strategy. Unlike other productions where there is a goal, in art there is no need for a practical utility.

In any case, this is an activity that, among other things, should serve as catharsis, that is, an emotional cleansing, making it possible to purge what distresses the artist and, in a broader sense, society. It would be a form of purification, of letting the traumas be released through an emotional discharge provoked by the work of art.

Some people, on the other hand, believe that the function of art is to beautify life. This criterion is quite dubious, as the beauty that a piece conveys depends on the personality of whoever interprets it and, mainly, on what is considered beautiful in a given time, culture and society.

There is also the belief that art has the function of promoting individual reflection, stimulating awareness of our human condition.

The fact is that art can encourage social and collective reflection, bringing about a new vision on hitherto silenced subjects, thus constituting an important agent of social transformation.