History of photography 1

History of photography 1

Photography is not the final work of a single creator. Throughout history, several people added concepts and processes that gave rise to photography as we know it. The oldest of these concepts was that of the camera obscura, described by the Neapolitan Giovanni Baptista Della Porta, as early as 1558, and known by Leonardo da Vinci who, like other artists in the 16th century, used it to sketch paintings.

The Italian scientist Angelo Sala, in 1604, noticed that a silver compound darkened in the Sun, supposing that this effect was produced by heat. It was then that Johann Heinrich Schulze, experimenting with nitric acid, silver and gypsum in 1724, determined that it was halogen silver, converted into metallic silver, and not heat, that caused the darkening.

The first recognized photograph is an image produced in 1826 by the Frenchman Joseph Nicéphore Niépce on a tin plate covered with a photosensitive petroleum derivative called Bitumen of Judea. The image was produced with a camera, requiring around eight hours of exposure to sunlight. Nièpce called the process "heliography", engraving with sunlight.

In 1833, the French-Brazilian Hércules Florence made, in Campinas, the oldest known photographic record in America using paper sensitized via silver chloride and is considered by some as one of the inventors of the term "photography".

Later, Daguerre, another Frenchman, produced visual effects with a camera obscura in a show called "Diorama". Daguerre and Niépce exchanged correspondence for a few years, finally establishing a partnership.

After Nièpce's death, Daguerre developed a mercury vapor process that reduced development time from hours to minutes. The process was called daguerreotype. Daguerre described his process to the Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts, in France, and soon afterwards applied for a patent for his invention in England. The popularization of daguerreotypes gave rise to speculation about the "end of painting", inspiring Impressionism.
