Also, there is the case of artivists who make installations either in museums or on the streets.

Artistic installations emerged in the mid-20th century. These never fail when it comes to capturing attention and/or surprising the viewer, as they tend to be pieces of great spatial magnitude, with current or controversial conceptual themes that are classified as part of the contemporary art movement.

Beyond the ability to capture the public's attention due to their peculiarity, artistic installations have a quality that adds distinctive value: their capacity for interaction.

On many occasions, the artist creates pieces that are made so that the viewer is part of them and thus makes total sense. This makes them part of this new term: artivism.

Another very popular form of artivism is Graffiti, which dates back to the 60s in New York City, inspired by Hip Hop culture, and by the need to express phrases freely on the streets of the city.

Today, works such as those of the British graffiti artist Banksy or those of the American John Fekner seek with their art to transmit ideals and messages of social and political awareness.

His works have generated admiration and criticism, and with them, great popularity that has allowed them to catapult themselves as the greats in their area, and develop a strategy with their personal brand.

Sometimes these artists, in order to express their idea or express their message, find it necessary to violate the law. There have been many stories of artivists who have had problems with the judicial system for wanting to create awareness or social change.

The last decade has seen the phenomenon of artistic activities collectively or online, driven, promoted and achieved thanks to the Internet platform.

Such is the case of Irational.org and Critial-art.net, both collective agencies that promote art with messages of social criticism, calls for justice and that seek to make those who encounter it reflect.

After becoming familiar with the term artivism and understanding how it serves as a channel to transmit messages that seek or promote change in society collectively, we can link it to the digital age and how the Internet is another medium that uses art to send activist messages. .

The Internet is a tool that unifies the world. It breaks with temporal, territorial, and even linguistic limits. This is why when carrying out activities that mobilize society and raise awareness, there is no better platform to do so than on the Internet.

Look at Social Networks (RRSS), for example, messages are channeled through them and people from all over the world connect with a single click.

Surely you are familiar with some activist movements that spread through Twitter or Facebook, and how they had a great positive impact on society, whether at an environmental, political level or simply because of their initiative to raise awareness and alert about an issue that is or is not in the public arena.

You, as an artist, if you have the purpose of consciously or subconsciously influencing the collective mind of society with the aim of improving the world, you have the most powerful tool that this digital age has given us to share your art and create a work for the common good that reaches beyond passersby: the Internet.

Artivism is characterized by collectivity. The work, which is the message, is not of much use without the participation of people.

The Internet allows precisely this, that the number of participants is unlimited. Reaching corners of the world that if it were not for the Internet you would not be able to reach, because not all of us have the opportunity to be or physically witness the installations, murals or works.

However, today we can appreciate all these works thanks to people who are dedicated to sharing them on the Internet, regardless of the time or place in which artistic activism is carried out.

And that is one of the great advantages of art in society.

The more individuals see it and understand the message that this particular art wants to convey, the more opportunities there will be to influence and generate a change or impact on society.