What is modern art?

What is modern art?

What is modern art and how did it become the origin of the transformation of the current art world?

Modern art refers to a broad artistic movement that began in the late 19th century and lasted until the mid-20th century. Some of its key features are:

- Breaking with the academic and academic traditions of previous art, seeking new forms of expression. Modern artists rejected established rules about what kinds of subjects and techniques should be used in art.

- Experimentation with new styles, techniques and materials. From impressionism and post-impressionism to the isms of the early 20th century such as cubism, expressionism and surrealism. The use of color, perspective, abstraction, among others, was explored.

- Focus on the individual and subjective expression of the artist. Art as a vehicle for the artist's feelings, ideas and internal perceptions.

- Interest in topics of modern urban and industrial life.

Modern art represented a radical break with the academic values of the past and paved the way for constant innovations and experimentations that continue to this day. The rejection of established rules allowed unprecedented freedom for artists to explore new ideas, concepts and techniques in art. This led to a great diversification and subjectivization of art in the 20th century. The emphasis on the artist's individual expression also established the cult of the "genius artist" that prevails to this day.

In summary, the great conceptual and technical transformation of modern art destroyed previous conservatism and laid the foundations for constant change, innovation and diversity in contemporary art. The freedom achieved allowed the continuous evolution that we observe in the current artistic avant-garde.