The importance of art in early childhood education

The importance of art in early childhood education

Art in Early Childhood Education is an important educational tool, as it stimulates the development of children. After all, through art, it is possible to learn, acquire new skills and see different perspectives and sensations regarding the same point, for example.

With that in mind, it is interesting to use different types of materials in the classroom in order to explore and stimulate children's creativity. These recreational activities are essential for them to learn to express themselves in front of the world, to value and benefit from the various artistic and cultural manifestations.

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Why are the fine arts so important?
Man's need to express himself artistically dates back to prehistoric times. Since a long time, human beings have used drawing to communicate, express their worldview and transmit knowledge. However, with the evolution of tools and the development of writing, Art began to represent aesthetics, through artistic expression.

Artistic languages – help in the development of artistic skills in children, therefore, they are important for reflection, appreciation and production during learning.

Based on this knowledge, students in this cycle fully develop intellectual, emotional, social, perceptive, physical, aesthetic and creative aspects. Therefore, the teaching of Art is an important pedagogical tool for understanding oneself, reality, one's own feelings and emotions.

Undoubtedly, childhood is one of the most important stages of a person's life, as it is at this time that the foundation for all other learning is built. Therefore, teachers and families should encourage the artistic side of children, collaborating with the development of skills that will contribute to creativity, citizenship, autonomy and critical thinking.

Learn about the main reasons for working with Art in Early Childhood Education
Artistic languages can often go unnoticed and not receive due value from the school community as a whole. However, they are one of those responsible for initiating cultural training and building sensitive and emotional skills in children, which involves the field of experience with traits, sounds, colors and shapes, provided for by the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC).

In addition, art also collaborates by providing the necessary knowledge for life in society, as it enables individuals to see, in a critical way, the situations and elements that surround them.

Through artistic activities, children participate in the conception of an idea, materializing their interpretations of what was learned, which helps in the development of thinking and understanding of differences.