What is Artificial Intelligence?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The first question we must answer here is: what is Artificial Intelligence?

Despite the popularity of the technology, AI may still be associated with science fiction films, or something far beyond our imagination.

But the truth is that artificial intelligence is already part of our daily lives and we often don't even realize it.

By artificial intelligence, it is understood that there is a series of technologies that allow the execution of "intellectual" activities without human interaction.

By “intellectual,” we can mean reasoning, analyzing, decision-making, and problem-solving.

Some of the technologies behind artificial intelligence are also already known, such as:

     Neural networks;
     Machine Learning;

Even though the term may still cause astonishment or even some fear, artificial intelligence has been with us for a while, participating in our lives in different ways:

     Adjusting traffic routes;
     Suggesting films, series and products;
     As virtual assistants;
     In facial recognition systems;
     On search engines for content ranking.

More recently, artificial intelligence has entered another level, more interactive and performing functions more linked to humans, such as writing texts, answering various questions and creating digital arts, on platforms such as:

     Stable Diffusion.

In this sense, how can AI create illustrations and arts so quickly, easily and impressively?