The Portrait of Actor V.D. Ratov by Ilya  Repin

The Portrait of Actor V.D. Ratov by Ilya Repin

The Portrait of Actor V.D. Ratov (1910) is an oil painting by the Russian realist painter Ilya Efimovich Repin. It is considered one of Repin's finest portraits, and is currently on display at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.
Portrait of Actor V.D. Ratov by Ilya Efimovich RepinOpens in a new

The painting depicts the Russian actor Vasily Dmitrievich Ratov (1860-1936) in a three-quarter-length portrait. Ratov is shown seated in a chair, with his right arm resting on the chair arm and his left hand folded in his lap. He is looking directly at the viewer with a serious expression on his face.

Repin has used his mastery of light and shadow to create a powerful portrait of Ratov. The actor's face is illuminated from the left, which creates a dramatic contrast between the light and dark areas of the painting. This contrast helps to emphasize Ratov's strong features and piercing eyes.

The painting is also notable for its realistic depiction of Ratov's costume and props. Ratov is wearing a dark suit and a white shirt, and he is holding a copy of the play "The Seagull" by Anton Chekhov. The props help to identify Ratov as an actor, and they also help to create a sense of the time and place in which the painting was created.

The Portrait of Actor V.D. Ratov is a masterpiece of Russian realism. It is a powerful and realistic portrait of a famous actor, and it is a testament to Repin's skill as a painter.
