History of photographic art in Latin America

History of photographic art in Latin America

The history of photographic art in Latin America has a rich history that dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Some important milestones are:

Beginnings (late 19th century):
- Photography arrived in the region shortly after being invented, initially being used for documentary purposes and portraits of elites.
- Pioneering photographers such as Joaquín Bisbé in Argentina and Eugène Murer in Brazil captured urban views and popular types.

Avant-garde (beginning of the 20th century):
- With the artistic avant-garde, innovative proposals emerged such as the critical photojournalism of the Mexicans Agustín Víctor Casasola and Hugo Brehme.
- Modern photography gained momentum with figures such as the Brazilian Thomaz Farkas and the Argentine Annemarie Heinrich, exploring new frames and aesthetics.

Social photojournalism (mid-20th century):
- Very influential movement, with seminal works such as that of the Mexicans Nacho López, Héctor García and Rodrigo Moya on the Revolution.
- In Brazil, photographers such as German Lorca, José Medeiros and Juan Santos documented poverty and inequality.

Anthropological photography:
- Record of indigenous cultures and traditions by photographers such as the Peruvian Martín Chambi and the Mexican Nacho López.
- Alejandro Ramírez and Grete Stern in Argentina, among others, developed a humanist style with a focus on popular types.

Boom of the 60s-80s:
- Numerous photographic collectives and groups emerged: Mexican Council of Photography, Nucleo Fotoográfico Venezolano, Photographers Group Brazileiro, etc.
- Figures such as the Mexicans Graciela Iturbide, Lola Álvarez Bravo and Kati Horna stand out, exploring avant-garde and unique visual poetics.

- Since the 90s there has been a new diverse generation that explores topics such as gender, identity, violence, among others.
- Relevant photographers include Milagros de la Torre (Peru), Rosangela Rennó (Brazil), Pablo Ortiz Monasterio (Mexico).

Latin American photography has gone through various styles, from raw documentation to elaborate visual essays, becoming a powerful means of artistic, identity and social expression in the region.