Where are we going with AI?

Where are we going with AI?

AI can analyze existing artwork, learn from it, create new pieces based on that knowledge and even make predictions about which artworks will be popular with audiences. AI-powered algorithms can also analyze large amounts of data helping artists to automate some of their more mundane tasks. This could lead to more personalized and tailored art exhibitions, as well as more effective marketing strategies for art events.

How do we move forward responsibly with this technology, however? As AI-powered technologies continue to refine, streamline, and automate processes throughout traditional business models, what does that mean for the human aspect of the artworld? Will a machine be the new curator du-jour?!

AI technology, though game-changing for many mundane repetitive tasks rooted in data analysis, would not necessarily replace the need for human roles. In the artworld, critical thinking, perspective, opinion, emotional and social intelligence, and good old-fashioned creativity is something that will continue to be a necessity and can only be satisfied by human positions.

While many of the leading forces behind AI, including Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, have called for a pause on AI developments until strategic plans are in pace to develop responsibly, it is no question that the effects of AI in the artworld will be felt widely throughout the global art market.
