Art enables children to understand society

Art enables children to understand society

Understanding society, its rules, values, cultures and our historical heritage can be very hard work for a child who has recently arrived in the world. Many people believe that the digital world can bring all this knowledge quickly and completely.

However, the teacher's job is to organize and adjust this information to the student's age group through the arts, that is, the activity will not just be theoretical, it will be guided and applied. Through art, the student will understand certain social constructions that are in favor of a collective and, at the same time, will be able to build a reflection on the meaning of art and its relationship with humanity.

Furthermore, the student will see that art is a historical production that reflects the thinking of man in his time. This entire concept will help students understand the context in which humanity was formed, as well as what we have become today.

The teacher will explore and study all these concepts, to invite the student to reflect on their own culture and on the various cultural exchanges that have been built over time.

Sharpens critical sense
As you think? How do you take new actions? Do you generally follow most people's ideas or do you tend to think differently, “outside the box”? Don't worry if you think like most people, this is something extremely normal since we live in society and most of our actions are based on collective development.

However, at some important moments in our lives, it is important to think for ourselves, to know ourselves in order to remain coherent in our opinions and actions. This is how critical sense will help us develop and value our individual capabilities in the world.

Furthermore, art makes our emotional intelligence mature, and thus, even in the face of life's adversities, we will have a positive, constructive, resilient view of existence.

Have you ever imagined that art has all this capacity to develop this critical sense? After all, when we learn specific content in art class, we also learn how to think about it and how to reinterpret it based on our conception of life and all the prior knowledge we acquired during our training.