How to create AI art with Adobe Firefly

How to create AI art with Adobe Firefly

Beautiful images often start with creating great AI art commands. You can write a short command and leave much of the decisions up to the AI or specify exactly what you want. Follow these steps to save time and generate beautiful images with the Firefly Web App.

1 stimulate the imagination.
Think carefully about the image you want to create. Ask the following questions to form the image in the head:

Is it a photograph, a graphic design or a painting?
Do you have a specific style, such as steampunk, fantasy, or science fiction?
Is it a close-up or a wide-angle photo?
Are the people in the picture happy or sad?
What does the color scheme and lighting look like?
2 Type the command.
Enter some of the answers to the above questions in the description. The more you tell the AI model, the closer to your vision the result will be.

3 Adjust the control with limits.
To have more control over the generated images, try these tips:

Add quotes.
Group words that should remain united in quotes. For example, AI can better understand the following sentences when written in quotation marks: “Bengal tiger walks through closed forest” under a “little bird with a turquoise collar perched on a branch”.

Building covered with plants
Specify the elements you want to avoid.

For example, type [Avoid = Brown] to have results without the color brown.

Tiger and bird in the jungle looking left
Adjust the intensity of styling

In Firefly, the chosen style does not have to be eight or eighty. By typing [stylize = 50/50], you can halve the effect of the style applied to the image. Choose two numbers that add up to 100. The higher the second number, the closer the AI will be to the style described in the command.

Tiger in the jungle
Adjust the effect of the command.

With a number between 0 and 25, you can guide the AI about the level of proximity you want with the command. Type [guidance = 25] and the AI reproduces the command as accurately as possible.

Tiger and bird in the jungle
Leave the AI free.

With [raw style = true], the AI moves away from the command and will possibly surprise you with something amazing.

Tiger in the jungle
4 Gere.
Click Generate and check out the results. Firefly displays four images every generation so you have a better chance of finding the ideal image for your needs. Click the heart in the upper right corner of the image to add it to Favorites, and click the download icon to download it as a JPEG or PNG.

5 rewrite the command.
If the first attempts did not work out very well, make some changes to the command. Try to make it even more specific. You can also use the right panel to specify aspect ratio, style, color and tone, lighting, and composition.

6 Use generative padding.
With Firefly, it's easy to turn a good image into an amazing one. Click the Edit button in the upper left corner of the generated image and select generative fill. Then use the brush tool and more text commands to insert elements. You can also use the brush to remove elements.

7 Download.
In the generative fill workspace, simply click the Download button in the upper right corner.
