The most contemporary contemporary art

The most contemporary contemporary art

Everything accelerated from the 1960s onwards—in art and outside of it. Artistic currents began to follow one another; art mixed with technology, the street became a canvas...

And the concept of contemporary art may be insufficient to encompass such a magnitude of creativity. However, he continues to do it; continues to help us label the artistic expressions of our time, as shown by the Arco Contemporary Art Fair, in which Cervezas Alhambra participates annually with its Cervezas Alhambra Prize for Emerging Art. In that event, the best of current art shows its know-how and its innovations. And it leaves the audience speechless.

Categorizing contemporary art of the 21st century is crucial to being able to understand it and enjoy its variety. Because in this supracategory we can include hyperrealism, that put into practice by the artist Juan Martín Villate, but also street art, that which artists like Banksy are responsible for transforming into significant works of art. Or groups like Boa Mistura, which, through actions such as the one they carried out in La Térmica, give a new concept to public space as a point of artistic creation.

If we observe the evolution of art in a century, we can affirm with certainty that from how contemporary art emerged to what its present is, they show clear differences, which can lead us to wonder how long contemporary art will be contemporary. The theses and theories may vary, but the truth is that it will be so as long as it continues to represent the drives and feelings of society. From the avant-garde to graffiti, contemporary art seems to have no end.