What are the health benefits of art?

What are the health benefits of art?

Have you heard about the health benefits of art? Whether as a profession or hobby, practicing painting, drawing, sculpture and other artistic activities has a positive impact on the well-being and mental health of children, young people and adults.

According to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO), involvement with art can be beneficial for mental and physical health, including helping to treat various diseases.

An article published by the US News portal reinforced that involvement in any creative process is important for health. Whether creating a simple drawing or talking about art, creativity and artistic processes can always help.

Among the various artistic activities that positively influence health, we can mention:

     Painting: whether on canvas, fabric or paper, painting develops concentration while promoting relaxation.
     Writing: the habit of writing develops attention, perception and memory, in addition to exercising the imagination — in the case of creative writing — and improving vocabulary and language.
     Ceramics: using your hands to mold clay works flexibility and motor control, releases tension and stress, increases concentration and improves the capacity for self-expression.

The benefits of art

Check out the other benefits that artistic activities bring to the health of the body and mind:

1. Stimulates creativity
     Whether creating or observing works of art, imagination works to stimulate the mind and increase creativity. This is because when observing an artistic work, for example, people tend to analyze and try to understand the message behind the lines and colors.

2. Improves self-esteem
     Art helps improve self-perception, as creating a drawing, painting or other artistic work promotes a feeling of personal satisfaction and increases self-esteem.

  3. Improves memory and increases concentration
     Carrying out different artistic manifestations allows for greater concentration, thus optimizing the focus and attention allocated to carrying out the activities. But beyond that, art also helps improve memory. After all, during the creation or appreciation of a work, people tend to remember details, feelings, colors and shapes, recovering these memories more easily.

But not only that! Art also allows self-knowledge, the expression of individuality and coping with pain with more serenity, in addition to helping to reduce levels of tension, anxiety and emotional and physical stress, and promoting the stability of chronic diseases.