The main types of urban interventions

The main types of urban interventions

As you can see, urban art is not only accessible, but also inclusive even for the artists themselves, since every type of artistic expression carried out in a public space falls under this classification. However, here we will bring especially visual examples, check them out:

 Graffiti – we have already spoken in more detail about this type of urban art. These are works normally made with spray paint (drawings and phrases) and which cover the most varied spaces, such as buildings, houses, tunnels, viaducts, etc. It is worth highlighting the inventive capacity of these artists who today not only create paintings that interact with the environment, but also in 3D, which often seem to come out of the wall;

 Stencil – similar to graffiti, but it uses cut-out paper as a template to create and fix phrases or drawings in place;
 Posters and hoardings – use a similar method: sticking messages or even drawings in urban spaces;
 Living statues – a type of art that is gaining a lot of space these days. In it, we have a person who puts on makeup and dresses like a statue and remains static, only moving when someone passes by, as a form of interaction;
 Statues, sculptures – in this case it can be for the most varied purposes. Whether it is an open-air exhibition or one with the aim of conveying a message. One example is the Cow Parade, which emerged in 1998 in Switzerland as an artistic manifestation by Pascal Knapp, who believed that they were a fun way to reproduce a three-dimensional screen. This project has now become a worldwide event, with several countries having cows painted by their artists on their streets;
 Individual or group performances – we finally have this type of demonstration that encompasses all types of live performances. There we have theater, circus, music, poetry, etc.