Graphic Arts: a whole world

Graphic Arts: a whole world

Surely we have all heard about them, but we are not really aware that they are always present in our daily routine. The world of graphic arts encompasses several concepts, although they are mainly dedicated to carrying out the artistic process of creating, preparing and printing a design.

Do you want to know more about this world? In this post we have the answer to all your questions. If after reading this article you are clear that you want to delve into this discipline, at the Postgraduate School of Art, Crafts and Trades you will find the Master in Graphic Arts, in addition to a wide variety of Masters related in this field in our Graphic Arts area - Binding.
What are graphic arts?
We catalog graphic arts as the creation of visual elements. That is, they try to create various types of visual elements made from various techniques related to printing. The methodology is based on creating a design, using a medium and transferring it to a support.

What does this concept encompass?
The concept of these arts can be used in various sectors and areas. It includes areas such as art, graphic design, advertising, literature and industry with the purpose of carrying out printing, binding and finishing systems.

In summary, it encompasses the set of trades, procedures or professions involved in carrying out the graphic process.

Graphic arts and communication
Did you know that they are essential for creating advertising? In contemporary times, graphic arts are used as a means of advertising dissemination. The fact is important, since, thanks to the design and impressions, it is possible to carry out the task of disseminating information to sell a product or service.

The interesting thing about the case! We must not ignore its consideration, since, thanks to the graphic arts and its techniques related to printing, they allow us to create massively printed designs.

Likewise, these arts are essential to encourage the economic and productive activity of a country. We understand, therefore, that it is vitally important to maintain the graphic arts for the evolution and development of the world in which we live.

Main applications
We already know that graphic arts have a direct relationship with advertising dissemination. We live in a globalized world full of information and communication in which graphic arts play a great role as they serve as a means of dissemination. There are many ways in which we can apply their techniques. Let's see which are the most common:

– Signs and posters

– Packaging: Containers, boxes, containers, bottles…

– Tags

- Books and magazines

– Clothing

Printing processes and systems
– Pre-press: It is the first part of the process in which the design is created and formalized by the client's order. In this phase, in addition to configuring and laying out the design format, resolution, color, format, paper treatment and pre-press tests must also be carried out.

– Printing: In this phase, the quality of the final print is approved and the machine setting is adjusted before starting the print run. Various printing systems can be used, the most common are:

Offset printing
Digital printing
-Post printing: It is the last part of the process in which the printed product presents the final physical form that has been designed. In this phase, surface treatments can be carried out, binding, protecting or varnishing, among many others... There are endless possibilities.