Art is a symbolic construction of everything

Art is a symbolic construction of everything

When we look around us, we notice that we are surrounded by a series of objects, whether at home, at work, on the streets, in the classroom, in the most diverse places. If we check these objects, we will notice that they were all made with a single purpose: to make man's life easier.

This ability to create instruments and improve them was what guaranteed man his permanence on the face of the earth and his power to dominate and transform nature.
In fact, it is this creative force that differentiates man from other existing animals. All other animals feed themselves, but only man grows his own food, cooks it, invents knives and forks and spoons to facilitate its consumption. All animals need water, but only man stores it, treats it, invents cups and bottles and pots to better store it. Ultimately, only man is creative, inventive and imaginative.
You must be wondering what art has to do with this. Well, I say everything. Man is also the only animal capable of expressing itself through art. Only man makes art.

Thanks to his ability to imagine, man can intellectually abstract everything that surrounds him, create his own concepts about this whole (even if in parts) and materialize it, expressing it based on his own emotions and sensations, in the same way that your creativity and inventiveness allow you to do.

Art is a symbolic construction of everything that man is capable of intellectually abstracting and expressing through his creativity and inventiveness. Therefore, everything that surrounds us is art.