Art is a reflection of human beings and represents their social condition

Art is a reflection of human beings and represents their social condition

Art is the expression of an aesthetic ideal through creative activity. It is a type of universal human manifestation (it exists in all cultures) that communicates symbolically and creatively with society.

A work of art conveys ideas, feelings, beliefs or emotions. This language can also have a transgressive purpose, exposing a critical, denouncing and not always pleasant view of reality to the world.

The term art comes from the Latin word ars, which means "talent", "know how".

There are many definitions of art and their meaning varies by time and culture. Currently, the word art is used to designate artistic activity or the product of artistic activity. As an activity, art is a human creation that seeks to combine form and content to communicate based on a set of techniques.

For the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), art imitates nature (mimesis), but also, sometimes, completes it. According to Aristotle, the natural propensity of man to imitate is at the origin of artistic activity.

For the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), art differs from nature because it is a rational and free activity. Thus, a spider's web, although it may look beautiful, is not a work of art, as it is a mechanical and natural task.

Arte é conhecimento Intuitivo do mundo Assim como o mito e a ciència, a  arte também vai aparecer no -

For Kant, art also differs from science. For him, to produce a work of art it is not enough to have knowledge about a certain subject - you need to have the ability to do it. Kant defines aesthetic art as that whose immediate purpose is the feeling of pleasure, not only the pleasure linked to sensations, but also the pleasure of reflection.

The difficulty of defining art lies in its direct relationship and dependence on the historical and cultural context that gives rise to it. This happens because when a style is created and stabilized, it breaks with established systems and codes.

For primitive peoples, art, religion and science went together. Originally, art could be understood as the product or process in which knowledge is used to perform certain skills.

Thus, art is a reflection of the human being and represents his social condition and essence of being a thinking being.