The possible positives of the art of Artificial Intelligence

The possible positives of the art of Artificial Intelligence

While there are plenty of cases against the art of Artificial Intelligence, this medium has been popularized for a reason. The audience of these platforms and software began to engage with this kind of practical and free art.

Some people defend the technological advancement of art, which opened space for these programs to work. And, in addition, they appreciate the results offered by the effort of professionals in providing this type of art.

devaluation of art
In the first half of 2023, hundreds of Hollywood writers and artists went on strike against their studios. Among the reasons protested by professionals was the use of AI for the production of series and films.

Writing is a kind of art, which should be valued and compensated appropriately for the efforts of professionals. However, with the use of these technologies, the future of writing becomes increasingly uncertain, making many writers feel threatened by the possibility of being replaced by machines.

“The WGA demands are an indicator that workers do not intend to defend companies that use AI to justify devaluing their craft and expertise.